Sunday, May 27, 2007

What Works?

As part of my presentation at the Live Art Forum happening this week hosted by The Birmingham Rep, I'll be asking the audience to consider the following ten tips for the top in art according to Stan's Cafe (thought I'd share them with you c/o James Yarker)

1. Only do things you believe in.
2. Always try your hardest.
3. Always be honest.
4. Ignore fashion.
5. Give your ideas the best possible chance of being successful
6. Don’t undervalue yourselves.
7. Don’t be arrogant.
8. Remember being clever is pointless if no one cares..
9. Be optimistic, don’t’ be crazily optimistic.
10. Remember that if you follow tips 1 to 9 and, crucially are talented too, things will get easier with time: Keep at it.

I think they apply...happy writing!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

24:7 Theatre Festival 2007 - the planning has begun!

The fourth annual 24:7 Theatre Festival will run this summer from 23-29 July, presenting performances of new plays in the city centre of Manchester.

24:7 uses innovative non-theatre venues, which ties in with repertory theatre pioneer Annie Horniman's connections in the area and Manchester City Council's "original-modern" marketing concept. Taking into account feedback from previous festivals, we favour venues which provide the best possible infrastructure in terms of technical and audience services, including the ability to shield the performing areas, as far as possible, from invasive noise and matching each play with the most appropriate venue.


Also keep up to date with our BLOG for news from Luke Walker on the progress of his play MIND THE GAP due to be presented at 24:7 - 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

In Work & At Work

In Work

Watch out for Inky Fingers, recent graduates Mark Winstanley and Lawrence Ghorra showcased their canned food hit, RAVIOLI at BLUE 4 – The Royal Exchange’s festival of new work from the North West . Mark and Lawrence will return to the Studio at The Exchange for a full production of the play in September 2007.

At Work

Mind The Gap by Luke Walker will be presented at this year’s 24:7 Theatre Festival. Watch this space for his production diary and follow the process from page to performance.

Mind the Gap was written while completing the Writing Live module of the course. I knew the basic scenario - a blackout and characters beginning to communicate telepathically until they merged and amalgamated into one (in)distinct character. That was the basic premise on week one. By week six I had the first full length draft. I can't take credit (although it may have come to me later) for the overlapping dialogue technique and I thank the other members of the group for telling me that the character in an early draft who constantly thought of German porn films was most definitely cut! It was great to be able to bring a new ten pages or idea every week and get instant feedback so that I didn't spend too long going down paths that were obviously the wrong ones (see above). I had the drive and energy to get the thing written in time for the deadline (just ... and after a solid 17 hour session!) and now I have my first play that will be performed.

Luke Walker 14/05/07